The popularity of automobiles to promote the use of car inverters Car inverters are becoming a necessity for many car owners in modern life, especially in long-distance travel, outdoor camping, emergency situations, and more and more mobile office needs.
The family car around us.
Household cars usually refer to small passenger cars that are mainly used for family daily travel and carrying people and goods. Generally includes cars, SUVs (sports multi-purpose vehicles), MPV (multi-purpose vehicles) and other models, these vehicles are 12V and 24V DC power supply.
Through the load to consider the inverter power;
1) First list all the device power you plan to use to power your inverter, such as a smartphone, laptop, or small kitchen appliance.
2) Considering peak power demand, some electrical appliances, such as refrigerators or power tools, require higher initial power surges at startup. This is called peak or surge power. Make sure that the inverter of your choice is able to handle these transient power surges, usually twice the rated power.
Match the inverter’s power rating to your car’s battery, ensuring the safety of the car’s transmission and the battery’s ability to handle the load applied by the inverter are critical.
To match your needs of the inverter
Low power inverter: For smartphones, tablets or other small electronic products charging, usually a 150-300 watt inverter is enough, you can use the plug-in inverter, directly output by the cigarette lighter 12Vdc, 15-18A current, small power inverter is very safe for vehicles.

Medium power inverter: greater than 300W to 1000W inverter, for slightly larger power equipment, usually through the vehicle’s starting battery to temporarily power the equipment, because the capacity of the starting battery is usually 12V or 24V, up to 75AH, this battery is usually 0.4-1Wh.

High-power inverter: 1000W-3000W on-board inverter, if you want to power the electrical equipment for a long time (cooking, boiling water, air conditioning, audio). …… We need to consider adding a larger capacity backup battery (sub-battery) to the car, which is mainly in SUVs and Camping car, is the best way for outdoor people to pursue nature’s life.